
Mirritya Mundya Indigenous Twist Food Journey's are really pumped to now offer native culinary consultancy. Since the inception of our entity in 2018, we have been so blessed to have had worked with some of the best chefs in the country. Along with, we have focused ultra hard on sourcing and learning from some of the best Indigenous owned wholesalers, elders and native food researchers in the space.

What can we offer?

Our guidance, cultural responsiveness and core value of putting Indigenous cuisine to the forefront is what drives us from within.

Assisting communities to embed native flavours, generating employment, economic growth and development in culinary skill sets is an outcome we will continue to work towards. Having taken the deep dive into the native food space and continuing to navigate it, helps us give a unique insight into the industry.

Dwayne's 10 years experience and continuing professional career in the cultural service provision space, will take you on the traditional way of knowing narrative of understanding the what, why and how the old peoples technique and respect for country is so imperative.

The native food movement is now kicking along rapidly and we would love to help play our part in educating, nurturing and cooking some decent food to go with.

We want to help your organisation, or individuals to unlearn, embrace and appreciate the oldest living food culture on earth.

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